The staff here – both English speakers, and Thai natives, have been studying about five hours a week in class, and then going through various assignments on our own, and we have all commented about how influential this study has been on our faith. Realizing the gravity of allowing the Spirit to live and work in and through us, seeing Jesus as the ultimate example of someone who was led by the Spirit, and understanding the truth in that concept as we personally explore the Bible’s teachings has been incredible.
What amazing timing it has been for me! With a crazier schedule, now doing six hours of English study a day with Nhu, and me personally feeling the strain of time away from my support and community at home, it has been amazing to reflect on this, and to realize that nothing I do is really in my own power or strength. I technically “knew” this concept before, and I think it is something that many Christian churches teach, but I for one can say that I definitely did not dig deep enough into this to really understand what that meant in my life.
The love that I desire to radiate, the patience that I have been praying for, the discipline I am aiming at – all of that is not of me. And when I try to do it in my own strength, I fall so short and then get frustrated and try to struggle through it. How much easier it is to give it all to Him, and let Him work through us! But for some reason we just cannot give up the control. We cannot let go of our lives. We cannot concede everything to Him, and if we do – we ask for part of it back shortly thereafter! This study is teaching me to surrender everything daily – to ask Him to be my everything and to work through me in ways I am completely incapable of doing on my own. It changes everything…
John 14: 12-17
He changes everything when He is in control. Love reading your updates.