Wednesday, March 2, 2011


From what I have seen so far, here in Thailand communication is basically always an issue. Interpersonally, locally, and internationally, there is always a challenge whether that be anything from the language barrier to the internet connection. Right now I am one of two English speaking people living in a house of almost 50 people and am writing this on a Word document as I watch our internet freak out between being “online” and “offline” back and forth (though if you are able to read this it means I was connected long enough to copy and paste J). 

There is one communication source though that I am finding always works, always proves faithful. This source is quickly becoming my lifeline… Jesus. The source of always open communication who will never leave me or forsake me. He is the one who has opened the door to communication, and is actually waiting on me.

I will confess right now that I have never been someone who is “good” at praying. I am not disciplined in a morning/nightly routine or even at sporadic prayers throughout the day. Now don’t get me wrong – I fully believe in the power of prayer, and really enjoy gatherings like Solid Rock’s “Seven” and meeting for prayer groups. I am just terrible at spending significant time praying on my own. It is hard for me to sit in silence, to stay focused, to tell things to God who I know already knows them.

As a person who is 100% an extrovert and is energized through physical interactions, I have a hard time purposefully separating myself from "my energy source". All of that is changing though as I am adjusting to this new environment.  I am finding that the LORD is a never-ending, reliable source of communication. In the book I am reading, and in my devotional the last few days I am learning more and more about relying on God as the best relationship, the strongest relationship, and the most fulfilling relationship we have. Just talk!

As I am finding wayyy more free time on my hands than I am used to – he is teaching me to spend time with Him – to pray, to seek, to be still, and to know Him. A friend and I were recently talking about discerning the voice of God and his desire to really be able to distinguish God’s voice. I came across John 10:4-5, which says: “When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they know his voice. But they will never follow a stranger; in fact, they will run away from him because they do not recognize a stranger’s voice.”

Unless we spend time, just TIME, with God. In reading, praying, listening, and in truly abiding – do we really know Him? I want my relationship with God to go deep into the depths of my soul. To truly be ROOTED in Him. Even writing now, I don’t know how I ever missed the importance, the foundational need, for time and communication in that desire. We were built for relationships, and as the worldly forms of communication are failing (or frustrating) me, I am finding that it is forcing me to turn to a truer form, a better form of communication. One that is strengthening the relationship that gives more than I could ever ask for, or desire. 


  1. Elephants need love too, don't forget about them. I'm glad you're having a good time.

  2. Well as I was recently is not going to be easy- being over there- but it is worth it. I remember praying about this with you, the loneliness factor, and I was thinking during that time that He becomes enough and draws you in. I love that He is teaching you this. You are growing, you are being stretched, you are being challenged, and He is refining you into a women who KNOWS Him...I love to see that happening!
