Monday, March 7, 2011

It takes a village...

There is an old african proverb that says "It takes a village to raise a child."

In my life these days, there are so many children who need to be nurtured, loved, disciplined, taught, and prayed for. Most of these children do not have parents, or if they do - their stories turn my stomach and tear at my heart. Now that they are here I, along with the staff, have become teachers, mentors, sisters, and mothers to each of them. I watched the movie 'August Rush' last night, and the scene where Evan goes into the church and hears the choir had me almost to tears (it helps that I love gospel!).

"sometimes it takes a different kind of love to raise a child... hang in there with me...don't give up...sometimes it seems impossible and that's why we pray"

PRAY. Pray impossible prayers. Pray for hope, for love, for affirmation, for assurance, for strength - not for me, but for the girls that are quickly stealing my heart, and becoming my own. Poverty and human rights issues can often be so daunting, so overwhelming that it is simply easier to look at other things. Sex trafficking is an issue that few people care to bring up in conversation, much less go to battle against. But this organization would not be able to support these girls without physical, financial, emotional, and spiritual support. I would not be here... It takes a village.


  1. I love the movie August Rush, but I didn't remember that choir piece until watching your video clip. The lyrics are SO appropriate for the RNhu girls. Thank you for so passionately urging us to pray for them. At the RNhu luncheon on Sat., Barbara handed out a sheet of prayer requests for this ministry...and I'm going to add your request to the top of my page. We should never under estimate the power of prayer! And I will continue to pray for you, my dear daughter.

    Love, Mom

  2. Megan, I so love your heart and am praying for you and 'your' girls. I haven't seen that movie but will try to find it. Bless you, my child!
    love, another mother of yours. :-)
