Friday, September 30, 2011


“I found it hard to realize divine things. I was more tried with desires after the world, than for two years past… the prospect of leaving all the comforts and the communion of saints… weighed heavy on my spirit. My heart was almost ready to break.” ~ Henry Martyn, missionary to India in 1806 (Let the Nations Be Glad, p95)

Somehow, this excerpt from Martyn’s journal, as melancholy as it is, I find so encouraging! Knowing that the thoughts, emotions, and struggles I am facing are nothing new gives me a renewed strength. I am not alone. People have undergone the same things (and honestly, way worse – no Skype, Facebook, email ahh!), and did so with joy knowing it was for the sake of the gospel. Despite the fact that this was written by a man over 200 years ago, nothing much has changed. I miss the "comforts" (hot showers, soft bed, mom’s cooking) and “the communion of saints” – my family and friends!!!  I understand his heart here so clearly.

When I was home I told a lot of people that the hardest thing about this time has been a lack of companionship. I deeply missed living alongside community and having someone to share my life with. I desired someone who would understand and encourage me in moments of difficulty and discouragement. I needed a Barnabus!

HE HAS ANSWERED THAT PRAYER! Threefold! (God is that awesome)! Two weeks after coming back to Asia, God delivered me a new roommate. Sheri is a fifty year old, widowed nurse, and is gifted in all the ways I am lacking. She is an amazingly strong woman who is teaching me what it looks like to walk with the Lord in every stage and season of life.  What an awesome example of a prayer intercessor and it has been awesomely refreshing to learn from someone who is content in her singleness (as much as I love my girls back home, sometimes I think we make it harder on each other!)!  AND, even as I write this, Beth and Brian, a young missionary couple who served on the World Race last year, are moving into Carl and Laurie’s apartment next door (until they return at the end of the month). Friends and Mentors all under my roof! Thank you Jesus. <3

This year has taught me a couple things about community. #1 – Ultimately, God is enough. When everything else is stripped away, and all that is left is the Lord, you find yourself desperate for Him, and He will answer - He is more than enough, and will be faithful to satisfy you completely in Himself.  He never wants us to feel alone or discouraged, and He is a constant companion, an intimate friend, someone who knows my heart better than I even do, and He promises comfort and unconditional love. 

But… #2 – We are meant to live in community and I can honestly say that I value my family, my church family, and my friends more than I ever have in my life. There are no words to properly display how blessed I feel to be a part of something so good. I miss you all very much, and am so thankful for every one of you. Thank you for your love, your prayers, your encouragement. You are infinitely valuable and I am grateful for you beyond what I can express.

Love <3

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Megan! Keep posting. Your words are very encouraging and God is definelty shining his light through you! May he continue to bless you and watch over you as you do his work!
