Tuesday, January 25, 2011

14 days and counting...

How different my life is today than just a few days ago - not to mention the differences I am about to encounter... I have officially finished working at my job, I moved all my belongings into storage, and am currently camped out at my parents house for the next two weeks.

Everything has been coming together so smoothly - from friends donating airline miles, to anonymous donations of $5,000 (!!!), getting a discount on a new computer, and sales on items I have needed to purcahse, I definitely am feeling blessed. People are literally coming out of the woodwork and it is crazy! A friend said to me the other day, "God does not call those who are equipped, he equips those who are called."

There are times where I simply do not feel worthy of the calling! I cannot believe God is allowing me to be used in this ministry, and not only that, but granting me my hearts desire in doing so! Truly blessed to be a blessing...

With 14 days left until I fly out, these couple of weeks are going to be a busy time of preparation. Taxes, closing accounts, updating addresses, and spending as much time reading, relaxing, and listening to lectures/podcasts as I possibly can. So thankful for the stability of my family and friends amidst this whirlwind!

Miss Rachel told me about this video a few weeks ago, it resonates so strongly with my heart right now...

Beyond excited :)


  1. It was so great to spend time with you last night and today and hear about all the exciting things the Lord is doing! I love you SO much! Prayers that things get accomplished smoothly and that this weekend away is relaxing and edifying. May God's peace that surpasses all understanding resonate in your soul and the excitement of what He is doing continue to be an infectious joy! Hugs!

  2. love you love you LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!
