Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Two Homes in Opposite Worlds

Ten months into my time here and I finally truly feel that this is home. Driving a moto on the left side of the street is normal, my Thai language skills are relatively strong and I can hold my own in conversation, I have adjusted to the food and the weather, I don’t think twice about most of the cultural things that were originally so foreign.

As I have been feeling more settled, I have also had more opportunity to develop deeper relationships with the high school girls and some of the Thai staff members. I have loved having conversations with them about life and the Lord and our struggles. I love talking to the girls about what it looks like to wait patiently for a godly husband - To hope and trust that God has a plan for their marriage and never to settle. I love talking to the Thai staff about different things we are learning and going through. The relationships that I have are rooted and strong, and I love being able to share my heart with the people I live with. AND NOW IM SUPPOSED TO GO HOME!?

I have so many mixed emotions about leaving in a month. On one hand, I am SO! excited to spend the holidays with my family and to see my friends, and to be in church community – I have missed that incredibly. And on the other hand – how the heck am I supposed to leave these kids, who are now MY kids, and the staff here who have become my family and friends. This is my home too!

No resolution on this post because that is kinda where I’m at right now… searching, praying, having a home in two worlds…

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